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How to create real change

Spoiler alert – it’s not easy.

Lobbying is a critical part of the democratic process. Its role is to effectively communicate to the Australian Government on matters important to the Australian public from the perspective of individuals, communities and businesses. 

Many large organisations have the resources to appoint professional lobbyists or Government Relations experts. Other organisations start at the grass roots and do it all themselves.  

On this episode of Commical, we explore both sides and discuss how to drive real change at a Government level. Guests including Australia’s leading Government Relations and Public Affairs expert, Alistair Nicholas. As well as Dany Elachi from The Heads Up Alliance, a small community organisation made up purely of parents concerned about the harmful effects of smartphones on children. They are currently lobbying for the NSW Government to restrict the use of mobile phones in schools.  

A restriction on mobile phone use only during school hours seems like a no brainer. But is it?  

About Alistair Nicholas 

Alistair Nicholas has more than 35 years’ experience in public policy. His career includes journalism, researcher at an economic policy think tank, political and policy advice to federal members of parliament, diplomacy, public affairs and government relations. He has lived in Australia, the US and China, and has worked in those countries and managed projects in New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and India. Since returning to Australia 10 years ago, he has lobbied the Commonwealth and state governments on a range of matters, including defence procurement, immigration, financial services reform, funeral sector reform, health policy (especially during the Covid-19 pandemic), foreign investment projects, trade and anti-dumping issues, education, and tax issues. He lives in Sydney where he runs his own public and government affairs firm, Alistair Nicholas Consulting. 

About Dany Elachi & The Heads Up Alliance

Dany is the founder of the Heads Up Alliance, a growing movement of Australian families who are concerned about the harmful effects of social media and smartphones on children. Members of the Heads Up Alliance have made mutual commitments to each other to delay giving their children smartphones and social media accounts until at least the end of Year 8. 

You can learn more about the Alliance at or email  

[email protected] for more information.  

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